Medical Malpractice

When to File a Wrongful Death Claim

Immediately after the death of a loved one, speaking to a lawyer may be far from your mind; however, it is something to consider soon. If you believe the death occurred due to an accident or assault that was someone else’s fault, you may be able to receive compensation for your loss. Call an experienced… read more

Common Types of Personal Injury Lawsuits

Personal injury law is a set of laws known as torts. These laws allow injured persons or their families to seek compensation when someone else is responsible for the injuries. There are numerous events, actions, omissions, and behaviors that can lead to personal injury lawsuits. Below, you will find a brief description of some of… read more

What are the Most Common Medical Errors?

When you seek medical treatment, you trust in the training and experience of your healthcare providers. You feel relieved that your symptoms will be addressed and that relief is just around the corner. But what happens when a healthcare provider makes a mistake? Are medical errors really a concern for patients in the United States?… read more