How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Nerve Injury?

Nerve injuries are among the most common preventable injuries suffered by Americans. Sometimes these injuries are caused by stress or wear on a particular area of the body, but sometimes they are caused by the negligence of someone else. A few examples of negligence that may lead to a nerve injury include medical malpractice, surgical errors, birth injuries, on-the-job injuries, or auto accidents.

No matter what the circumstances, a nerve injury can have a profound impact on your life. If your injuries were caused by someone else, you likely have questions about your legal rights, what options you have, and how much compensation you can claim for your injuries. The answers to these questions often depend on the facts of your case, which is why it is important to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

At The Dixon Firm, we are dedicated to helping our clients understand their situation, their legal rights, and how to get compensation. Read on to learn more about different types and causes of nerve injuries, and how to get the compensation you deserve.

Types and Severity of Nerve Injuries

The type of nerve injury that you suffered and the extent of the damage is one of the most important elements of determining whether you have a legal claim and how much compensation you may be able to pursue. The three most recognized types of nerve injury are:

While neurapraxia can often be treated with relative ease, patients with more severe injuries may find the road to recovery lengthy, painful, and expensive. People with axonotmesis or neurotmesis may require costly medical procedures such as:

Even the mildest nerve injury can be painful and can interrupt your life. More severe injuries can create significant challenges for you and your family, especially if you suffer from permanent damage or disability. Many people with nerve injuries find that they require ongoing medical treatment for months or years following the injury, with some requiring lifelong care.

Causes of Nerve Injuries

There are many causes of nerve injuries, including many caused by diseases or other medical conditions. Nerve damage can also be caused by negligence, such as the following:

It is important that medical conditions are diagnosed and treated in a timely manner in order to avoid nerve damage and other complications.

Determining what caused your nerve injury is an important step in determining how much compensation you may be able to claim in a lawsuit.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Nerve Injury?

Your diagnosis will provide detailed information about the type of nerve injury you suffered. It can be more difficult to determine the cause and prove your case. When you file a lawsuit, you have the burden of proving that someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. Then, you and your attorney can build a case pursuing compensation based on your injuries and losses.

Some elements that will factor into determining the value of your claim include:

These elements can be calculated using medical bills you currently have, and estimating future costs based on your injuries and anticipated care.

Get Help with Your Nerve Injury Claim

If you or someone you love has suffered a nerve injury due to someone else’s negligence, contact The Dixon Firm today. Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys can help you determine the value of your claim and fight for the compensation you deserve.